My Biggest Fear Is That This Stops and Everything Continues To Be The Same

With Artists Nicolás Grum & Isabel Torres Molina
“My Biggest Fear is that This Stops and Everything Continues to Be the Same” is not an art project but an exhibition about the present in Chile. It is an act of consciousness and solidarity at distance stimulated by Isabel Torres and Nicolás Grum, two artists from Chile who live and work in Santiago and have been at our residency programme since August. The initial idea of the residency project was to research the The Museum of the Revolution of Yugoslav Peoples. As they were investigating blueprints, newspaper articles of the time and other documents about the building planned to open in 1981 at the 40th anniversary of the Revolution, the revolution itself happened in Chile and the artists found themselves in an irrevocable state of urge to follow it and feel with it. The museum building was never erected in Belgrade but another revolution did happen in Santiago.

“The interest in the museum was essentially linked to the concept of the ruin, being a symbol for the revolution and becoming a symbol of forgetting. We were asking ourselves from the imaginary: how would the Museum of Revolution behave today in the case it existed? and in that moment the real revolution arrived in Chile and changed everything. From the distance we have consumed it instead of consummating it. It is in this state of impotence that we produced an anonymous archive of emergency, based on the empathic pillage of Social Network, WhatsApp groups, YouTube and news canals in order to generate an eco and a testimony of everything that is happening in our country. This project derives from a physical sensation rather than a critical reflection and it installs in the Balkans those things which occur in South America, which as far as it is located, the reasons of its awakening are shared in a transversal manner” – Nicolás Grum and Isabel Torres Molina